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  1. Home
  2. About de KLOKSLAG


de KLOKSLAG has been a leader in the mechanization and automation of production lines for semi-hard and hard cheeses since 1989. From the very beginning, the employees of de KLOKSLAG have been involved in the first mechanization and automation of cheese production. Even today, they design and build the most modern automatic production lines for customers both nationally and internationally.

Located in Bolsward, in the Greidhoeke region, de KLOKSLAG has a modern office and spacious production and assembly halls. 

de KLOKSLAG has experience in:

- Engineering

- Automation

- Production and assembly

- Installation and commission.

By having these 4 areas of expertise in-house, KLOKSLAG can execute projects with remarkable flexibility.

Through its own development, engineering, production and automation from its own location, the KLOKSLAG was and is able to respond well to market needs, in combination with short delivery times.

de KLOKSLAG sells its products in Europe and a limited number of countries outside Europe.

The sale of production lines takes place directly from its location in Bolsward.


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