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  3. Brining systems

Brining systems

For the brining of cheese, KLOKSLAG supplies various brining systems, completely according to customer requirements. Deep brining is the most commonly used brining system, where the cheeses are immersed in the brine in several layers one above the other and are brought into the brine cage by means of flow.

In the past, deep brining systems were carried out using coated concrete bins. However, coated concrete bins require maintenance. For such maintenance, 24/7 production has to be interrupted. That's why, de KLOKSLAG supplies stainless steel brine baths with a capacity of up to 4,000 m3. 

Such a bath can consist of several sections and can be set up completely on the floor for several weeks.

For existing concrete tanks, we have the solution of providing the tanks with a stainless steel lining with fully stainless steel gutters on input and output sides instead of repairing the coating.

There are two variants, namely a deep brine system with small cages or with large cages.

Different brining systems

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