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KLOKSLAG has realized many projects at home and abroad since 1989.
Part of the installed base is shown below.
Our projects

Bij deze klant heeft de KLOKSLAG op 3 locaties 4 productielijnen gerealiseerd voor zowel foliekaas Euroblok als natuurgerijpte kaas in diverse formaten.

For this customer, we supplied two deep brine systems for cooling the pasta filata. Capacity: 9-10 tons/hour.

The majority of cheese production is done with cheese presses and deep brine systems from the KLOKSLAG.

A pressing line and brine system for 2 customers, where the brine is sometimes divided into several levels Kosher.

The largest production site in Europe in the field of Gouda and Edam foil cheese in bread and Euroblock form.

At this customer, the KLOKSLAG has realized 6 production lines for foil cheese, Euro bread and Euroblock at 4 locations.

For this customer, who was a newcomer as a cheese maker, the KLOKSLAG supplied several production lines.

A cheese line and a brine bath have been installed at this customer for various sizes and flavors of cheese. Various new techniques have been used.