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  2. History


de KLOKSLAG is located in Bolsward, originally the dairy city of the Netherlands. Bolsward is located in the center of the Greidhoeke, an area with the best dairy cows in the world. The 'Rijkszuivelschool', founded in 1904, was located in Bolsward. The managers of Dutch dairy factories were trained here.

Therefore, it's no surprise that de KLOKSLAG in Bolsward has become the knowledge center of mechanization of cheese factories.

Due to the super levy in 1984, several Frisian companies involved in the mechanization of cheese factories went under. Because of this the founders of de KLOKSLAG saw an opportunity to acquire a leading position in the market of cheese producers, especially by providing flexible and innovative production systems that respond to the needs of the market.

The concentration of cheese production at a limited number of locations, the introduction of the Machinery Directive (CE), and the increasing regulations in the field of food safety were reasons for cheese producers to invest in state-of-the-art production lines.

Through development, engineering, production, and automation from its own location, de KLOKSLAG has been able to respond well to this. All of this, combined with short delivery times.

That's why de KLOKSLAG has been a leader since 1989. The proof of this are the many customers who turn to de KLOKSLAG for every expansion and replacement.