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Draining and moulding equipment

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Draining and moulding equipment

Draining and moulding machines are an important part of a cheese factory: this is where the curd and whey are separated and the curd block is formed.

In cheese dairies that only make Euroblok, Eurobrood or a Goudse 12, a Casomatic is generally integrated: the KLOKSLAG then takes over the formed curd block to be subsequently pressed and pickled.

However, when the cheese factory goes for specialities, de KLOKSLAG can supply the necessary machinery for this.

For continuous production of, for example, Edam cheeses, lunch cheeses or long loaf cheeses, we have the Conomatic draining and moulding machine. This machine is suitable for cheese sizes that can be filled with or without whey. These machines are completely closed and CIP-cleanable.

For batch production of various sizes of cheese, we have the drainage tray with prepress. When using several drainage trays, continuous production can be realised.

Filling the draining tank can be done from a filling point or using a curd distribution system.
After filling the drainage tank, the curd can be lightly pressed for good cohesion of the curd particles.

The drainage bins are equipped with a system that automatically makes the correct curd block size, so that weight dispersion is minimal.
An automatic curd block depositor can be placed behind the draining tray. This curd block inlayer, as the word suggests, places the curd blocks in the cheese vats.

Both the drainage tank and the curd block inlayer are CIP-cleanable.

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