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Cheese presses

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Cheese presses

The KLOKSLAG cheese presses have the characteristic of having a press cylinder per cheese as standard. This ensures the right pressing pressure per cheese. The advanced control of the press makes it possible to choose multiple pressing programmes. Press pressures go up to 500 grams per cm2. 

The KLOKSLAG cheese presses can be supplied in a closed or open version and are suitable for both single moulds and cassettes. 
In the process, a choice is made between a system with or without tray separation. Depending on the choice, the presses can be filled and pressed per row. 

The capacity of the press is according to the desired method; 1-210 press places per press are possible for Euro block, for example. 
CIP cleaning of the presses can be done in two ways: -per press;
-all presses with the lanes in front and behind the presses simultaneously.
All according to the user's wishes. 

As indicated above, there are different versions, namely closed multimould presses and open cheese presses.


Closed multimould presses

The KLOKSLAG closed multimould press is suitable for cheese production companies specialising in bulk production or specialities and has the following key features:

  • Flexible use: single or multiple formats by applying the cassette transport system.
  • Uniform pressing pressure on each cheese.
  • No influencing of cheese and whey by environmental influences (HACCP), resulting in higher yields. 
  • No vapour development in the cheese factory during cleaning so no extra air conditioning facilities are needed.
  • No additional safety provisions required in connection with CE certification.
  • Cylinder diameters 40-160 mm.
  • Capacity per press up to 3,300 kg cheese.

Open cheese presses

Although closed cheese presses have many advantages over open cheese presses, de KLOKSLAG also supplies open cheese presses on request.

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